A Galway TD has hit back at a delay in discussing radical changes to alcohol sponsorship in the Dáil.
A controversial new bill by Minister of State for Health Róisín Shortall had been due to come before TDs for discussion this week but was removed from the agenda before Tuesday’s meeting.
Speaking to the Galway Independent, Deputy Colm Keaveney said that there was a mixed approach within the Cabinet to the new licensing and sponsorship reforms contained in the report and “aggressive lobbying” had been taking place to oppose the plans.
“Obviously, different ministers would have different portfolios. One Minister might have responsibility for RTE, which is dependent on revenue from advertisements, one Minister would have responsibility for food and drinks, so that’s the kind of social and economic impact that drinks companies would have in society. I suppose, what people can’t lose sight of is the cost to society and that is €4 billion per annum, not to deal with this issue.”
The bill is expected to propose the abolition of sponsorship of sports and arts events by drinks companies, in addition to a minimum unit price on alcohol and a “responsibility levy” on drinks firms to fund campaigns highlighting the dangers of alcohol.
While it is now believed that the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill will now go before the Dáil until September, Deputy Keaveney said “there is never going to be an easy time to do this” and a strong, vigorous approach was necessary to tackle the chronic problem.
Source: Marie Madden, Galway Independent, 18/07/12