The Directorate General for Justice (DG Justice) of the European Commission invites non- governmental organisations and networks to apply for membership of the EU Civil Society Forum on Drugs (CSF) 2013-2014.
The involvement of civil society is one of the cornerstones of European drugs policy as presented in the Commission's Green Paper of 26 June 2006 on the role of civil society in drugs policy in the European Union1 .
The CSF is a broad platform for a structured dialogue between the Commission and the European civil society which supports policy formulation and implementation through practical advice.
The outgoing CSF (2011-2012) has 35 members, representing different stakeholders and different policy options. The forum is chaired by the Commission, which finances and organises its meetings and ensures continuity of its work. A "core group", composed of 6 members is contributing to the preparation of documents, agendas of the meetings and animates discussions and coordinates the work of members, also in between the meetings. The CSF meets once a year and the membership is biannual. The working language is English. No translation is provided during the plenary meetings.
Time-limit for receipt of applications: 04/01/2013
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