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Call for end to alcohol sponsorship of sport

The sponsorship of major sporting events by drinks companies should be banned, psychiatrists have again insisted.

According to the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland (CPI), it has ‘repeatedly' called for the implementation of certain measures to reduce alcohol-related harm, including reducing availability and banning the promotion of alcohol, such as through sponsorship.

As far back as 2008, it produced a policy paper calling for a ban on all alcohol sponsorship and advertising in this country. That paper emphasised the issue of alcohol-related harm in relation to teenagers and since then, there has been ‘additional national and international research outlining the extent of alcohol advertising targeted at adolescents'.

The CPI noted that organisations such as the British Medical Association have shown the major effects alcohol marketing and advertising can have on young people in terms of when they begin drinking and how much they consume.


Source: Deborah Condon,, 17/04/13

Posted by drugsdotie on 04/17 at 01:50 PM in
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