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Byrne calls for urgent action to tackle spiralling drug problem

Fine Gael Dublin South Central TD, Catherine Byrne, has today (Tuesday) called for the Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children to address our spiralling drug problem, following new research which shows that the number of drug addicts seeking treatment here has swelled by 52% in the last six years. Deputy Byrne is a member of the Committee, and a former Fine Gael Spokesperson on National Drugs Policy.

“The latest figures, published by the Health Research Board, depict a horrifying picture of our growing drug problem. The number of people seeking help for drug addiction has jumped from 5,167 in 2005 to 7,878 last year. Hard drugs account for most of these cases – with heroin accounting for 60% of those looking for treatment.

“There is also a growing problem of cannabis consumption here; it overtook cocaine as the most common problem drug last year. A pattern of multiple drug use is emerging, with two thirds of cases identified as having problems with more than one drug.


Source:, 13/12/2011

Posted by Andy on 12/13 at 02:06 PM in
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