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Byrne: Breath test legislation will help save lives

Leading road safety campaigner Gay Byrne has said legislation making breathalyser tests mandatory for anyone in a car accident where someone has been injured will significantly reduce the number of deaths on Irish roads.

Speaking to the Irish Examiner after the long-fought-for new law was passed by the Dáil, the veteran broadcaster and Road Safety Authority (RSA) chairman said the legislation will become a vital tool for gardaí.

"I’m delighted it has been passed, and clearly it will make people less likely to think about taking a drink before they get onto the roads," he said.

"The danger is also not just that you take a drink, but that someone else may take a drink. In those circumstances, even if you or the other driver just tips your car, you will have to have a breath test.


Source: Fiachra Ó Cionnaith and Seán McCárthaigh, Irish Examiner, 21/04/2011

Posted by Andy on 04/21 at 08:08 AM in
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