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Branson praise for O Riordain’s policy on drugs

Drugs Minister Aodhan O Riordain has attracted international attention - including from billionaire businessman Richard Branson - for his radical plans to decriminalise drugs in Ireland.

The Labour minister hopes to introduce supervised injecting centres and has also been advocating for the decriminalisation of narcotics.

Branson, who sits on the Global Commission on Drugs, was keen on Mr O Riordain's fresh approach to tackling the problem.


Harm-reducing measures including needle exchanges, supervised consumption facilities and overdose prevention drugs have all been shown to be effective, Mr Branson told a recent conference in Dublin.

"These measures are highly cost-effective and, where adequately resourced, contribute to significant public health improvements," he said.

"However, there are considerable political obstacles to the provision of harm-reduction.

"Many elected officials and their constituents are reluctant to accept the impossibility of eradicating drugs. They often feel that support for harm- reduction somehow condones the use of drugs."

Mr O Riordain hopes to have cabinet approval soon for legislation allowing for supervised injection facilities.


Source: Laura Larkin, The Herald, 21/09/15

Posted by on 09/21 at 08:55 AM in
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