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Ban on drink firms sponsoring sport urged by report

A ban on all alcohol sponsorship of sporting and large outdoor events, a ban on all outdoor advertising of alcohol, an increase in the excise duties on some alcohol products and the introduction of a minimum price per gram of alcohol are among the recommendations in the forthcoming National Substance Misuse Strategy, 2009 -2016.

A draft copy of the report, seen by The Irish Times, also recommends the introduction of a “social responsibility” levy on the drinks industry which could be used to help fund sporting events and a reduction in the weekly “safe” number of units of alcohol for women from 18 to 11, and for men from 21 units to 17.

It calls for measures to encourage less drinking at home and a greater proportion of overall drinking in pubs.


Source: Kitty Holland, Irish Times, 28/01/2012

Posted by Andy on 01/28 at 12:26 PM in
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