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Ballyfermot Webinar on Nitrous Oxide

Ballyfermot Local Drug and Task Force is aware of the concerns around the use of Nitrous Oxide  - also known as Whippets, Balloons, NOS, Bulbs - around their community.

It was agreed at a local level to offer a learning opportunity for workers in the community. The aim of this event is to equipl local workers with a broad understanding of the unique features of Nitrous Oxide, but also to guide workers in how to address substance use and misuse amongst young people, to give an overview of referral pathways and to discuss the role of the family as well as services in the process.

Speakers from both a local and national perspective will present on the day. Details of speakers will be put up on the eventbrite link when finalised.

This event is free and is open to all workers in the Ballyfermot community working in youth work, school completion, family support, community development and specialised substance misuse services within the Ballyfermot LDATF region.

For more information about this event please call Gary Roche on 087 148 6080.

Posted by on 09/03 at 03:39 PM in
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