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And so we face down the demon drink - one more time

If only the booze-soaked Irish could be persuaded to slowly sip a couple of glasses of wine while savouring a meal - instead of getting mindlessly drunk in some local pub - maybe we might curb our national alcohol problem.

We have seen how in the Mediterranean countries it all seems to work so well; the imbibers leisurely drink their vino and there's not a lager lout in sight.

It's now a decade since one-time Progressive Democrat guru Michael McDowell came up with his plan to confront drunkenness and the Irish. In fairness, it was a fairly imaginative approach to try to encourage "continental-style café bars'' in Ireland.

​T​he idea had its merits. He wanted us to be more inclined to take our tipple when having a meal in a restaurant or café - with the hope it would reduce the national pastime of getting plastered in some hostelry egged on by the ubiquitous rounds system.

It's quite obvious McDowell was bewitched by those continental images of moderation when, as Justice Minister, he decided to try and confront our deeply ingrained pub culture.

Such promptings, both from the then minister and other sources over the years, have encouraged some changes in behaviour - but the core of the problem remains. Too many Irish people still have an unhealthy relationship with the bottle.


Source: Gerard O'Regan, Irish Independent, 23/03/15

Posted by drugsdotie on 03/23 at 02:30 PM in
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