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Alcohol & Youth, Promoting Healthier Choices Workshop

This workshop, hosted by the Tallaght Drug and Alcohol Taskforce in conjunction with Healthy Ireland South Dublin County Council is for:

- Young People, college students or Transition Year pupils
from schools across the Tallaght/Whitechurch area

-Workers working in the fields of community, addiction or

- Anyone with an interest in the issue of alcohol dependence, alcohol education / prevention or the issue of health more broadly

Alcohol is a psychoactive substance with dependence – producing properties that has been used in many cultures for centuries. In Ireland “Alcohol remains the main problem drug that people seek treatment for in Ireland.

During 2015, 7616 people sought treatment for alcohol as a main problem drug compared to 4,732 for opiates and 2,786 for cannabis.

The event is to educate and involve people in the community, in the hope of getting them to challenge their own perceptions and knowledge of alcohol and to self-reflect on their own choices around alcohol. We will do this through an informative session on the effects of alcohol, alcohol related harm, what constitutes binge drinking and alcohol & the adolescent brain.

The guest speakers on the day will include Paula Leonard from the Alcohol Forum, Olympic Medallist and Councillor Kenneth Egan and Paddy Holohan of MMA fame.

The interactive workshop will include screening of a short video to open up discussions and use of practical examples of how drink affects the brain and the ability to move.

For more information contact Tallaght Drug and Alcohol Task Force

Posted by on 09/11 at 03:25 PM in
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