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Alcohol lobby fights back

Is Taoiseach Leo Varadkar in thrall to the drinks industry or is he simply not prepared to confront vested interests? Varadkar has signalled that debate on the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill will be deferred until the autumn while his offer of a free vote on the Fixed Penalty-Drink Driving Bill may represent the kiss of death for Shane Ross’s legislation. Former Fine Gael minister Marcella Corcoran Kennedy, who had charge of the Public Health Bill before being replaced, thinks the alcohol lobby is winning.

Accusing the drinks industry of using the same tactics as “big tobacco” in resisting health-related measures, Corcoran Kennedy believes efforts are now being made to unpick the provisions of the Public Health Bill. This is the first time alcohol has been treated as a public health issue in this State. But the legislation now proposed is a pale shadow of what was intended. Originally, Róisín Shortall had recommended a ban on sports sponsorship; limits on advertising; point-of-sales display controls and minimum pricing. Three years later, following intensive lobbying, the ban on sports advertising was dropped in a Bill introduced by Varadkar as minister for health.

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Source: The Irish Times, 11/07/16 

Posted by on 07/11 at 08:52 AM in
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