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Alcohol kills one person a day in Ireland

Ireland has one of the highest death rates from alcohol in the world, as well as the second highest rate of binge-drinking, according to the World Health Organisation.

Three people are dying every day from alcohol-related ailments in this country, while 2,000 are in hospital at any one time being treated for the effects.

The amount of alcohol consumed has dropped over the past decade, but almost half of all drinkers admitted to heavy episodes of drinking in the previous month, compared to 16% globally.

The result is a high percentage of liver cirrhosis and about 200 other diseases, and deaths from ailments that would normally not kill such as pneumonia.

Men are drinking close to 20 litres of pure alcohol annually, more than double the quantity consumed by women, with the consequences clearly seen in the levels of alcoholism.

According to the study, around one Irish man in every 16 over the age of 15 years is addicted to alcohol, while one in 10 suffers from an ailment as a result of his use of alcohol. This is three times more than the number of women.

However, the study also shows that about 15% of men and 23% of women have not had an alcoholic drink in the past 12 months.

Alcohol Action Ireland, commenting on the report, called on the Government to implement the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill. The group is particularly concerned about the figures for binge drinking, at 39% of Irish people.

Chief executive Suzanne Costello said: “This puts Ireland just behind Austria with 40.5% at the top of the 194 countries studied and well ahead of our neighbours in Britain at 28%.”

She said drunkenness has been made to appear normal in society, fuelled by the availability of cheap alcohol and heavy promotions.


Source: Ann Cahill, Irish Examiner,15/04/14

Posted by drugsdotie on 05/15 at 08:42 AM in
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