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Alcohol advertisements to be banned near schools from Wednesday

The first of a set of measures aimed at “changing the culture of drinking in Ireland” is to come into effect this week.

A ban on alcohol advertising within 200 metres of a school, creche or a local authority playground will be in place from Wednesday.

It will also extend to advertisements on public service vehicles including buses, trains, at bus stops and train stations.

Advertisements for alcohol products will also be banned in cinemas except where films are for those over 18 or where cinemas have licensed premises.

The ban is being introduced by Minister for Health Simon Harris, who is expected to seek Cabinet approval before the end of the year for the introduction of minimum unit pricing on alcohol by the end of the year. Restrictions on the visibility of alcohol sales in supermarkets are to follow next year.


Source: Tim O'Brien, Irish Times, 11th November 2019

Posted by on 11/11 at 11:31 AM in
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