Posted by Andy on 06/04 at 09:44 AM in
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Ahern drafting new law to combat head shops
Justice Minister Dermot Ahern is preparing laws that he hopes will put head shops out of business for good.
While last month's ban on a range of products shut many of them immediately, dozens have re-opened with new products or using different brand names or ingredients.
Minister Ahern is now drafting legislation - the General Scheme of the Criminal Justice (Psychoactive Substances) Bill - that would effectively outlaw any shop selling any form of a psycho-active substance.
"Under the proposed Scheme, the sale or supply of substances which are not specifically proscribed under the Misuse of Drugs Acts, but which have psychoactive effects, for human consumption will be a criminal offence," Minister Ahern said in a statement.
"The Scheme will give appropriate powers to the Garda Síochána and the courts to intervene quickly to prevent outlets from selling these products by way of appropriate prohibition orders.
"The Scheme will also contain full search and seizure powers for the Gardaí and Revenue’s Customs Service."
Minister Ahern said the bill was part of the Government’s "multi-pronged" approach targeting the activities of head shops.
And he hopes to have the new laws passed in the next month or so.
"I am pleased that the recent ban on the sale of substances such as mephedrone has had a very significant effect on the operations of head shops," Minister Ahern said.
"However, I am conscious that further action is necessary to deal with the emergence of potentially dangerous new substances not covered by the ban.
" Accordingly, I am proposing the Criminal Justice (Psychoactive Substances) Bill to ensure that the criminal law and the Gardaí can deal quickly and effectively with those who sell psychoactive substances for human consumption.
"The Bill is being drafted as a matter of priority and I look forward to publication and enactment of the Bill as soon as possible."
Source: Irish Examiner, 04/06/2010