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Advertising ban on alcohol products necessary

Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children Report.

A ban on all retail advertising relating to the discounting of alcoholic products, a ban on the advertisement of alcoholic products on television before 9pm and a ban on the advertisement of alcohol products on social networking websites should be explored by the Government to help deal with the misuse of alcohol and drugs in Ireland, according to a new report by the Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children.

The report, The misuse of alcohol and other drugs, which was published today also recommends that the Government end VAT refunds on below-cost sales of alcohol and that the Government prohibit the practice of retail deliveries of alcoholic products directly to consumers’ homes.

The majority of the members of the Committee support the introduction of minimum pricing in respect of alcoholic drinks in a forthcoming public health bill. However, there was a divergence of views within the committee on this matter with a minority supporting, as an alternative, an increase in either or both alcohol expenditure taxes (with the additional revenue generated being ring-fenced for preventative education and the provision of alcohol addiction services).


Source: Houses of the Oireachtas, 24/01/2012

Posted by Andy on 01/25 at 09:53 AM in
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