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A heavy hand is not the answer

The relationship between alcohol and sport is back under the spotlight following the publication last week of the latest study into substance abuse.

This study recommends that drinks industry sponsorship of sport, and other "large public events" in Ireland, should be phased out and ultimately banned by 2016.

This is not the first time in the last 10 years that a report recommending this course of action has been published in Ireland, nor is it a debate exclusive to these shores as the UK and several other countries across Europe are also embroiled in it. France, of course, has already travelled down this road by introducing a ban on television alcohol advertising. This ban includes jersey sponsorship and stadium hoarding in televised sporting fixtures, leading to the Heineken Cup being referred to in France as the H Cup, with the Heineken logo obscured.


Source: John Greene, Irish Independent, 12/02/2012

Posted by Andy on 02/12 at 01:00 PM in
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