Scientists from Exeter University have found that people with a history of alcohol use disorder, which can include those drinking within recommended limits, are twice as likely to have severe memory problems in subsequent years.
They warn that sticking to recommended limits – one or two units per day for women and three to four for men – may hide the fact that some people have a drink problem that will damage their long-term health.
The findings come after a survey showed that almost one in five over-65s drinks alcohol at home every day compared with just over one in 10 people aged 18 to 24.
In 1992, researchers questioned 6,542 adults aged between 51 and 61 about their drinking habits.
Participants then sat annual cognitive tests between 2006 and 2010 during which time 90 experienced severe thinking impairment and 74 experienced severe memory impairment.
Participants were asked three questions: Have people annoyed you by criticising your drinking?
Source: Rebecca Smith, Irish Independent, 30/07/2014