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Legalise Cannabis Ireland March 2008 Video Pictures and Report

Over 1,500 people marched last Saturday demanding that cannabis be legalised in Ireland immediately. On Saturday last, the second annual Legalise Cannabis march was held in Dublin city centre. The march was one of over 220 held worldwide in protest against the continuing prohibition of cannabis use in these countries.

The march buildup had been taking place for several months with flyers, informational pamphlets, badges, stickers, posters and t-shirts produced to create some momentum for the march day but also to promote the campaign beyond the parameters of the march itself.

Speakers form LCI addressed the crowd from the truck and the speeches were interspersed with pro-legalisation ballads. The speakers maintained that:

Firstly that cannabis use is a health issue and NOT a criminal one

Secondly that the fight for cannabis legalisation is a struggle for civil liberties.

Thirdly that keeping cannabis illegal is the gateway to harder drugs,NOT cannabis itself.

Fourthly that prohibiton puts the supply of cannabis into unscrupulous hands, leading to low quality,dangerously contaminated product,overpricing and cannabis being a facet of gangland activity.

One speaker pointed out that if you can buy alcohol and tobacco in a safe, regulated environment, then why not cannabis, particularly given the fact that the aforementioned legal drugs have been conclusively proven by innumerable studies to be more harmful to health than cannabis.

Related link:

Source:, 14/05/2008.

Posted by Administrator on 05/14 at 12:00 AM in
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