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Launch of Irish Needle Exchange Forum

The resource is to be dedicated to the particular needs of service
providers and service users in Ireland whilst joining as resource partners
with the National Needle Exchange Forum in the UK, Exchange Supplies  and
the International Harm Reduction Association. The website
provides up to date relevant news, direct access to relevant websites and
resources for those working in needle exchanges

The INEF exists to actively develop, support, and sustain a network of
high quality, comprehensive needle exchange services across Ireland by
establishing and maintaining a communication network for members of the

The forum aims to  provide those working within Needle Exchanges and
related fields in Ireland with a platform to initiate open, informed
discussion and debate, and to raise concerns and issues to move forward
Needle Exchange services and to identify and promote good practice in the
development and delivery of needle exchange services
Needle exchange programmes have proven to be an effective harm-reduction
measure that reduces needle sharing, and therefore the risk of HIV and
hepatitis C transmission, among people who inject drugs.

Membership is free and we encourage anyone connected with Needle and
Syringe Programmes, or anyone working in the field of addiction to become
a registered member, this includes managers, front line staff, suppliers,
volunteers, service users and workers in connected fields.

For further information please contact the INEF

Posted by Administrator on 04/24 at 12:00 AM in
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