The Report gives a breakdown of alcohol and drug misuse based on data collected, collated and reported on from various statutory, voluntary and community agencies involved with substance misuse in the South East.
Data is given for clients treated in the South East as a whole, with totals given for South East clients and further broken down by clients’ county of residence.
2,686 individuals were assessed and/or treated during 2008. Of these 1,682 were assessed and/or treated for alcohol misuse: 846 for illicit drug use: 41 for licit drug use: 60 were persons contacting the services concerned about another’s alcohol/drug problem: 43 were assessed and/or treated for gambling problems and 14 for other problems e.g. eating disorder.
Overall, the main problem substances for which clients were treated in 2008 were: alcohol 1475 (62.1 %): heroin 293 (12.3%): cannabis 262 (11 %) and cocaine 124 (5.2 %). In 2007 and previous years, cannabis was the second highest treated drug of misuse in the South East but in 2008 heroin has taken this position. Cannabis figures, like alcohol, have continued to fall in recent years from 12% in 2007 to 10.7% in 2008. Cocaine figures (South East clients) rose in the last number of years but fell between 2007 and 2008. Heroin figures rose from 10.3% in 2007 (South East clients) to 12.5% in 2008.
1,972 clients were discharged from treatment in 2008. The majority of discharged clients completed treatment – 864 (43.8 %), followed by those who refused to have further treatment sessions or did not return for subsequent appointments – 529 (26.8 %) and then by those who did not wish to attend further treatment sessions because they considered themselves to be stable – 263 (13.3 %). The majority of clients were stable on exit/discharge from services.
Mr. Tony Barden, Regional Drug Co-ordinator for the Health Service Executive South said:
“The importance of collecting reliable data cannot be overstated as it allows the HSE and other Government Departments – such as the Interdepartmental Group on Drugs and Department of Community Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, along with the South East Regional Drug Task Force – to monitor the use of services and to plan services for the future. The collection of data from community groups provides an early warning system on the changing trends in drug use. I would like to thank all those involved in the provision and the supply of data for this report, their continued involvement is crucial to service development”.
Click here to read or download the 'Overview of Drug Misuse Report 2008'
Source:, 17/09/2009