The electronic newsletter is in the form of a micro website. The front page is included in an email and from here you can read the contents by simply clicking on the title of the article.
Publishing in electronic format is cost effective and will help us to maintain the level and frequency of output. Publishing this way also means that fewer resources are consumed than in traditional publishing. It is therefore a more sustainable approach and, in this spirit, we would ask you to consider opting for the electronic version of Drugnet Ireland, rather than the print copy. You can choose this option on the online form.
We are well aware of the convenience of having a physical, transportable copy, but you will find that the electronic newsletter is attractive and simple to use, and the content is easy to disseminate should you want to pass it on to a colleague. It will also make archiving easier and will enable us to add value to the content by linking to other online resources such as the National Documentation Centre.
Source: Alcohol and Drug Research Unit 08 Jul 2008
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