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Drug users support scheme expanded

Six new outreach staff have been hired by the Ana Liffey Drug Project (ALDP) to work with people experiencing problem drug use and homelessness in the Dublin 1 area.

The initiative was set up as a direct response to concerns raised over people with drug problems congregating on the boardwalk.

The expanded service is expected to improve the care and case management of people with drug problems, ALDP's director, Tony Duffin said.

Defined progression routes for people using drugs, such as stabilisation services, will also be developed, he said.

"Public areas in the local business district will also have the opportunity to experience the benefits of enhanced outreach support from the Ana Liffey Drug Project," Mr Duffin added.

The support of businesses in the Dublin 1 area in addressing drug use issues was praised by Mr Duffin. The outreach programme and an extension of opening hours contributed to the 50 per cent increase in visits to the project last year, to over 13,000 visits.

The new staff began work at the beginning of August. The expansion of the service was funded by the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.

Source: Irish Times, 07/08/2008

Posted by Administrator on 08/08 at 12:00 AM in
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