Mr Cowen, who worked in a bar in his youth and whose favourite tipple is Guinness, advises youngsters: "Just find the balance and keep the head."
He tells the current issue of 'Hot Press' that he is "all for people enjoying themselves". He adds: "I wouldn't be prudish about it -- we were all young. There was a great saying, 'I'll go anywhere within reason -- but I won't go home'. There was a bit of that when I was younger," Mr Cowen says in the interview, laughing.
"Young people should be able to go out and enjoy themselves."
In a previous interview with the magazine, Mr Cowen admitted trying cannabis while a student at UCD, adding: "Unlike President Clinton, I did inhale." The Taoiseach found some support from Fine Gael health spokesman Dr James Reilly, who said it sounded as if Mr Cowen was in favour of finding a happy medium.
Source: Senan Molony, The Irish Independent, 20/11/2008