Colourful and catchy, it provides parents with the distilled wisdom of two services involved in drug prevention.
Teen Counselling and the Drug and Alcohol Programme [DAP] are two of Crosscare’s services to young people and families. Teen Counselling offers a free counselling service to teenagers and their families, regardless of whether drug-use is involved. DAP uses phone, internet, website and “Live Helper” to support anyone concerned about drugs (including alcohol) through the website.
This booklet enables any parent to avail of the insights and wide experience of the DAP and Teen Counselling personnel. “A counsellor can see a young person for one hour a week, while a parent sees him or her several times a day,” says Chris Murphy (DAP Director). “It makes sense to help the parents to be confident and competent in their role in drug prevention. This booklet aims to do just that.”
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