What is it?
The Recovery Walk is an international event designed to build awareness and community support around the concept of addiction Recovery. Established over twenty years ago, this year will be Ireland’s 2nd Annual Recovery Walk, taking place on September 21st 12.30-6pm in Woodquay Amphitheatre behind Christchurch Cathedral in Dublin. The aim for the Recovery Walk event is for it to be a fun filled and FREE family day with an amazing musical line up and other entertainment.
Who will walk?
Individuals in recovery as well as their friends and loved ones who wish to support them and join them in celebrating their recovery. Addiction is often referred to as a “family condition” because of the effect is has on the family and wider circle of friends, work colleagues and neighbours. Thus, the Recovery Walk is for anyone affected to celebrate the freedom from addiction in their lives.
The Recovery Foundation is a not for profit organization promoting education around the area of recovery, which together with a dedicated team of volunteers, is bringing the walk to Ireland for the first time to show the healthy and positive results of recovery. The tendency is to focus on the negative impact of addiction; The Recovery Foundation would like to show the other side, to destigmatise addiction and also to show those in addiction that a happy, healthy life in recovery is possible. It’s about celebration, hope and inspiration.
More information
For further information on the 2nd Annual Recovery Walk please visit: