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12 ways to better self-care

What does real self-care look like? Sometimes it's doing the hardest things - like getting into a good morning routine and doing a workout even though it's the last thing you feel like. Prioritising your sleep and sorting your finances may not sound like self-care, but the experts say it'll be a whole lot more nourishing in the long-term than a hot bath or a slice of chocolate cake.

We have complied 12 top tips with the help of our experts so you can start loving yourself more.

1 It's good to talk...

Waterford-based GP Dr Mark Rowe says self-care should not be seen as selfish care. Rather it's a gift to yourself and everyone who matters in your life. He says one of his top tips to people when it comes to looking after themselves emotionally is to make sure they have people in their lives they can talk to. In some cases this may include talking to your GP if you're stressed or anxious, or to a trained counsellor. "It may be just off loading with your friends instead of bottling up your feelings," says Dr Rowe.


Source: Kathy Donaghy, Irish Independent, 13th November 2018

Posted by on 11/13 at 10:40 AM in
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