15th March 2018
Gardaí to be out in force as 54 people killed on roads over St Patrick’s Day period since 2012Gardaí to be out in force as 54 people killed on roads over St Patrick’s Day period since 2012
13th March 2018
We deserve better – reaction to alcohol industry self-regulatory proposal for labellingLast year the European Commission provided the alcohol industry with the opportunity to come up with a self-regulatory proposal on alcohol labelling, an opportunity which the industry has ignored.
12th March 2018
We have a location for the first supervised drug injecting room - what happens next?We have a location for the first supervised drug injecting room - what happens next?
7th March 2018
Public Health Alcohol Bill remains the key legislative framework to sustain a new momentum] Public Health Alcohol Bill remains the key legislative framework to sustain a new momentum to reduce our consumption levels
7th March 2018
Alcohol minimum unit pricing could be delayed by Brexit and North’s political crisisAlcohol minimum unit pricing could be delayed by Brexit and North’s political crisis
5th March 2018
Council to take action on discarded needlesCouncil to take action on discarded needles
5th March 2018
Crack cocaine is likely to become a problem hereCrack cocaine is likely to become a problem here
5th March 2018
More than 300 certificates of analysis issued under new drug-driving rulesMore than 300 certificates of analysis issued under new drug-driving rules
5th March 2018
Confusion remains over injection centre policing‘What it means is that we won’t arrest people for carrying heroin’: Confusion remains over injection centre policing
27th February 2018
Stop the Stigma campaign aims to address negative perceptions of drug addictsStop the Stigma campaign aims to address negative perceptions of drug addicts