
28th March 2008
Sale of BZP to be made illegal in New Zealand by April 1stRetailers and manufacturers of benzylpiperazine (BZP) and related substances have only five days left to hand over their stocks to police before an amendment to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 (Within New Zealand) classifying these substances as controlled drugs comes into force.
26th March 2008
Four out of Ten people agree with the controversial view that women who drink or take drugs are partIrish Examiner Report, March 26th 2008.
25th March 2008
Drug Use: A Reproductive and Sexual Health PerspectiveA two-day event taking place in Dundalk, this conference is aimed at providing information to medical, nursing and all other professionals working directly and indirectly with the drug using community.
25th March 2008
Press Release from the EU drugs agency in LisbonGHB and its precursors — New study out today. EU drugs agency reports emerging trend in use of GBL.
19th March 2008
Warning over solvent chemicals used in recreational drugsWarnings have been issued over the use of chemicals, commonly found in solvents, as a recreational drug.
14th March 2008
New Podcast Available: Court Appointed Drug EducationThis episode focuses on recent research findings into the effectiveness of court appointed drug education in Ireland.
13th March 2008
Concerned it could become the new marijuana, lawmakers consider regulating salvia.As soon as we make one drug illegal, kids start looking around for other drugs they can buy legally. This is just the next one,” said Florida state Rep. Mary Brandenburg
12th March 2008
Supermarkets offer cut-price alcohol deals despite backlashSupermarkets are discounting alcoholic drinks by as much as 50% ahead of the St Patrick’s weekend despite a growing backlash against Ireland’s drink culture.
11th March 2008
Tabor Lodge Annual SeminarBeyond Trauma. A healing Journey for Women. May 21st & 22nd 2008.
4th March 2008
“Head Shop” drug BZP to be placed under control across the EUEurope has responded today to concerns over the use of the stimulant drug BZP by nsubjecting it to ‘control measures and criminal provisions’ across the EU Member States.