12th November 2008
New drug phone line leads to seizures.Gardai SAY they have had substantial success in seizing drugs as a result of information received on a “dial to stop dealing”” phone line launched just over a month ago.
11th November 2008
Alcohol features in one in six suicides, psychiatrist claimsTHE inextricable and alarming link between heavy drinking and suicide in Ireland - particularly in the impromptu suicides of young men - has been highlighted at a national conference in Cork.
10th November 2008
Chemical found in legal high substances faces banThe Government is set to ban a drug found in “legal high” substances.
10th November 2008
EU to launch anti-drug campaign.THE EU’s first drug awareness campaign is to be launched next year.
9th November 2008
Head shops raided in drug probeGardai raided 22 so-called “head shops” nationwide yesterday on suspicion that the premises were selling controlled or illegal drug products over the counter.
4th November 2008
Addiction centre says medical card funding dried upConfusion has arisen over whether the health service is continuing to provide funding for medical card holders who attend one of the State’s best-known rehab centres for treating drug addiction.
3rd November 2008
Call for EU co-operation to fight drug crimeEurope now has more than 12 million cocaine users, 1.5 million heroin users and 9.5 million ecstasy users, a conference on the EU’s drugs strategy heard at the weekend.
3rd November 2008
A Community Conversation: a space to raise your concerns around the local cocaine substance misuseInvitation to a community conversation. This is a space to raise your concerns around the local cocaine/substance misuse issues.
3rd November 2008
UK Laboratory Tests: Cheap cocaine barely 10% pureThe price of cocaine in the UK has fallen dramatically in recent years, but so too has the quality.
3rd November 2008
Giant OConnell Street drug banner not for tourist viewThe famous architectural facade of the Carlton cinema on Dublin’s O’Connell Street is to be covered with a giant canvas poster advertising a confidential telephone line on which people can report suspected drug dealers.