10th June 2009
Can have fun without the cans.A teens no-alcohol club shows they can have a good time without booze.
8th June 2009
Confidential drugs hotline to shut down despite success.A government funded confidential phone line to combat drug dealing will be shut down in September, despite gardai responding to a high number of tip offs.
8th June 2009
New research to evaluate the prevalence of alcohol exposure in pregnancy.The study will examine patterns of behaviour, such as social drinking, binge drinking and sustained heavy drinking, and the factors that influence whether women drink alcohol before conception and during each trimester of pregnancy.
6th June 2009
Poor results for addicts from €140m drugs schemeAn examination into the €140 million spent by State agencies on drug treatment services has found a very small proportion of heroin-users on methadone maintenance ever get off the drug
3rd June 2009
The National Youth Council of Ireland invites you to the launch of report.Get em Young – Mapping young people’s exposure to alcohol marketing in Ireland.
2nd June 2009
Schoolchildren critical of drugs education, says reportThe effectiveness of the country’s main drugs education programme for schools has been seriously questioned in the new National Drugs Strategy (NDS).
2nd June 2009
Fresh strategy aims to include alcoholThe first action of the National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016 is to set up a group to devise a replacement National Substance Misuse Strategy (NSMS).
27th May 2009
Alcohol blamed for 6,500 dead in five years.The impact of alcohol consumption on deaths and hospitalisations in Ireland is much greater than previously realised, new research has found.
26th May 2009
There is no recession in the drugs trade.Citywide has launched a campaign calling on the government to use the money from the Criminal Assets Bureau to fund drug services in our communities.
20th May 2009
Launch of Dublin 12 Local Drugs Task Force strategic planThe Minister of State with responsibility for drugs strategy, John Curran TD, launched the Dublin 12 Local Drugs Task Force Strategic Plan 2009–2013 on 12 May 2009 at the Red Cow Moran Hotel.