27th January 2010
Should the so called legal highs sold in headshops be banned?The Irish Times Poll is a forum for people who wish to express their views on issues of topical interest. In order to represent as wide a range of opinions as possible and provide a stimulating platform for discussion, we ask all our contributors to only post comments which are relevant to the daily question.
27th January 2010
Minister Curran Responding to Headshops Threat.John Curran T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht with responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy, today told a conference on Headshops and “legal highs” that he is co-ordinating a Government response across various Departments to tackle the problems associated with the proliferation of headshops.
27th January 2010
Minister says he wants end to sale of head shop products.Synthetic and herbal substances that mimic the effect of illegal drugs should not be sold in the Republic, the Minister of State with responsibility for drugs, John Curran, said yesterday.
26th January 2010
Health workers to make appeal over legal drug dangers.Drugs experts and frontline workers are set to present the Government with a detailed submission outlining concerns about shops which are selling legal forms of drugs.
22nd January 2010
Groups want explicit warnings on alcohol.The Government should introduce a French-style logo on alcohol products warning of the dangers of drinking during pregnancy, reports Dara Gantly
19th January 2010
From addiction to education.A former heroin addict has worked hard to beat his addiction. He is now taking a degree course in business management.
18th January 2010
Alert over deadly heroin batch laced with anthrax.Health workers and heroin users have been put on alert over the possible circulation of a deadly batch of heroin contaminated with anthrax, which has already claimed seven lives in Scotland.
14th January 2010
Legal high drugs causing psychiatric illness epidemic, says A&E doctorA leading Emergency Department consultant has warned legal drugs, which are replacing cocaine and amphetamines and sold in alternative lifestyle shops, are causing an “epidemic of psychiatric illness”“.
11th January 2010
Sales of legal drugs that mimic cocaine skyrocket.Alternative lifestyle shops around the country have been selling out of new legal drugs which recreational users are substituting for cocaine.
8th January 2010
National Substance Misuse Strategy: call for submissions.Interested parties are invited to submit views regarding the content of the integrated National Substance Misuse Strategy.