
16th April 2010
Fire breaks out at head shop in Dundalk after petrol bomb attack.The owners of a head shop that was petrol-bombed in Dundalk yesterday confirmed that one person was on the premises at the time but no one was injured.
15th April 2010
Government will provide €1.5m to fund network of youth cafesThe government has agreed to provide €1.5 million to fund a network of youth cafes across the State to provide teenagers with a safe place to “hang out” which is free from drugs and alcohol.
12th April 2010
EU agencies launch probe into head shop legal highs.The European Union’s drug and police agencies have launched a joint investigation into amphetamine-type ‘legal highs’ on sale in head shops and over the internet.
12th April 2010
Expert sees rise in addictions to legal drugs.People are being treated solely for an addiction to legal drugs on sale in alternative lifestyle shops, the head of the addictions unit at St John of God’s hospital has said.
7th April 2010
Homeless charities warn about dangers of head shopsHomeless charities have warned about the dangers posed by head shops following a significant increase in the number of vulnerable young people who are abusing legal highs.
7th April 2010
Concern for teenagers after Sligo partyGardai in Sligo are appealing to parents in the town to check on their teenage children after a party last night.
5th April 2010
Carey to introduce measures to prevent head shops tradingMinister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs Pat Carey pledged “watertight measures’’ to prevent head shops trading.
1st April 2010
Minister Carey responds to Citywide.“Appointment as a Minister with direct responsibility in this area will facilitate the implementation of the Strategy.”“
31st March 2010
Head shops seek advice over banAn association formed by head shop owners around the country is seeking advice in relation to the proposed ban of products, with a particular emphasis on their rights under the European and Irish constitutions.
31st March 2010
Where is the Minister for Drugs?Brian Cowen’s cabinet reshuffle has proven that this government has abandoned the National Drugs Strategy. Citywide has called on the Taoiseach to explain how the “National Drugs Strategy can now be implemented without a Minister responsible for the strategy.”“