
14th June 2010
Methadone scheme review dueThe Health Service Executive (HSE) has asked Prof Joe Barry, Professor of Population Health Medicine at TCD, to work with Prof Michael Farrell, Professor of Addiction Psychiatry and Director of Postgraduate Medical Education in the Institute of Psychiatry London, on a review of the current methadone treatment protocol.
14th June 2010
Law against psycoactive drugs urgently needed before someone diesPress release: Statement by Jan O’Sullivan TD, Spokesperson on Health.
14th June 2010
battling the booze how aa does the trickIn a special issue devoted to the 20th century, Time magazine selected 100 “Heroes and Icons” who exemplified “courage, selflessness, exuberance, superhuman ability and amazing grace”. One of those people was Bill Wilson.
11th June 2010
Irish Cancer Society anti-tobacco conference for young peopleOne-day conference where young people can learn more about tobacco-related issues and air their views and concerns.
10th June 2010
Warning over head shop drugHealth authorities have issued a warning about a head shop product called Whack, which has led to severe and difficult to treat psychosis in users.
9th June 2010
HSE statement on new head shop drug “WHACK”Over the past ten days, 40 reports were received by the National Poisons Information Centre regarding persons suffering severe adverse reactions attributed to using a new head shop substance “WHACK”.
9th June 2010
Chinese Drug Makers Skirt Mephedrone BanTwo months after Britain banned the party drug mephedrone, Sky News has reported that factories in China are making a host of new drugs to skirt UK and Irish laws.
8th June 2010
Test buyers’ call to expose off-licencesThere has been a fresh call for the use of underage “test buyers” to expose off-licences selling alcohol to teenagers, as latest figures showed that 210 off-licences have been temporarily closed for the offence since 2003.
8th June 2010
‘Aggressive’ garda policy cuts number of head shopsJust two head shops are now open in Dublin’s north inner city following an “aggressive” Garda policy in an area which had the highest concentration of such stores in the country, at one stage numbering 13.
8th June 2010
500,000 BZP pills seized by gardai in year since banGardai have seized more than half a million BZP tablets since the ecstasy replacement was banned from head shops last year.