
23rd June 2010
What’s the problem with AlcoholWaterford announced as next destination for Pfizer 2010 Health Forum Series in association with The Irish Times.
23rd June 2010
Head shop products to require medicinal licence, says HarneyPsychoactive products such as “whack” which are on sale in head shops require a licence from the Irish Medicines Board to be legal, Minister for Health Mary Harney has said.
22nd June 2010
Stark warning after head shop drug is linked to deathA coronor has warned of the dangers of head shops after the first death linked directly to the use of so-called “legal highs” came before the coroner’s court.
22nd June 2010
UK to follow our example with ban on head shopsBritain may follow the Irish example in introducing ‘catch-all’ legislation to tackle the growth of head shops.
22nd June 2010
Legal highs contributed to death of woman (19)A coronor has warned about the danger of drugs sold in head shops following the death of a young woman from an overdose of multiple drugs, including two products sold as so-called “legal highs”.
21st June 2010
HSE announces €300,000 investment in community health and addiction servicesPat Healy, Regional Director of Operations, HSE South today, 18th June 2010, announced a major investment of €300,000 in community health and addiction services for the Northside of Cork.
21st June 2010
‘Legal highs’ warning for summer festival-goers in Northern IrelandOrganisers of this summer’s music festivals were urged to warn revellers about the dangers of so-called “legal highs”.
19th June 2010
Law to let gardaí ban head-shop productsLegislation allowing gardaí to prohibit the sale of head-shop products without having immediate recourse to the criminal courts is expected to be passed before the summer Dáil recess.
19th June 2010
Laws seek to jail head shop ownersRadical laws to close head shops and imprison the sellers of “legal highs” have been announced, with offenders facing sentences of up to five years.
19th June 2010
New Law Will Crackdown on HeadshopsUnder the Bill, the sale or supply of substances which are not specifically proscribed under the Misuse of Drugs Acts, but which have psychoactive effects, for human consumption will be a criminal offence.