
11th September 2010
No longer criminals for medicatingThe legalisation of cannabis moved a step closer to reality this week after Health Minister Mary Harney announced she is open to making cannabis legal for medicinal purposes in Ireland.
10th September 2010
Society ‘in denial’ on how families are affectedSociety is in denial about the impact of addiction on families who regularly struggle to cope while the addict obtains professional help, an expert in addiction has warned.
10th September 2010
Centre giving people a real second chanceOn February 9, 1989, Tabor Lodge opened its doors to addicted people and their families.
9th September 2010
CityWide National Conference - 15th October 2010CityWide Drugs Crisis Campaign are hosting a national conference entitled “A Community Drug Problem: Defining the problem – Defending the responses…”. The conference will take place on Friday 15th October 2010 at St Andrews Resource Centre, Pearse Street, Dublin 2.
9th September 2010
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders DayAlcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, has called on the Government to commit funds to research the prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Ireland as part of a wider research initiative into children affected by parental alcohol problems.
8th September 2010
NICDTF: Conference and Projects ExhibitionA conference of exhibits and information about North Inner City Drug Task Force projects and actions.
7th September 2010
Cannabis and Mental Health SeminarThe Dales Center in Darndale in Dublin are hosting a seminar with Dual Diagnosis Ireland on the theme of Cannabis and Mental Health.
7th September 2010
Reminder: Have We Bottled It? Alcohol Marketing and Young People Conference“Have we Bottled it? Alcohol and Young People” is the theme of a conference to be hosted by Alcohol Action Ireland, Wednesday September 15th, Dublin.
7th September 2010
Teens to be surveyed on drink and drugs experiencesIrish teenagers will be asked about their experiences of drink and drugs as part of a Europe-wide survey in schools early next year.
5th September 2010
Last orders on the cards for alcohol ads in sportsAn outright ban on sponsorship of sports in Ireland by drinks companies now looks inevitable, the Sunday Independent has learnt.