
4th October 2010
Sales of codeine products plunge 45% since new guidelinesSales of codeine-containing products such as Nurofen Plus and Solpadeine fell by almost half during August, after new guidelines for pharmacists governing their use came into effect at the beginning of the month.
4th October 2010
HSE South promotes Drugs Awareness Weeks 2010The Cork Local Drugs Task Force (CLDTF) and Southern Regional Drugs Task Force (SRDTF) under the auspices of the HSE South will join forces to promote Drugs Awareness Weeks 2010 which takes place from 4th – 17th October 2010.
2nd October 2010
Frances honoured for rising to challenges of addictionSinger Frances Black was among those honoured at the Social Entrepreneurs Ireland Awards in Dublin last night in recognition of her work founding a support group for assisting the families of addicts.
1st October 2010
Dead man’s alcohol level among highest ever recordedOne of the highest alcohol readings ever recorded in the history of the state was detected in the bloodstream of a man found dead in a public toilet in Drogheda, an inquest heard yesterday.
1st October 2010
Alcohol Test Purchasing SchemeDeputy Alan Shatter asked the Minister for Justice and Law Reform the extent, if any, the Ombudsman for children was consulted during the planning and preparation of the alcohol test purchasing scheme.
1st October 2010
Merchants Quay report confirms Athlone as major heroin centreAthlone’s position as the greatest urban centre in the nation with a heroin problem outside Dublin was confirmed this week with the news that there are 68 people on methadone treatment in the town, according to a reply given to a county councillor at the most recent HSE Mid-Leinster forum on September 21.
1st October 2010
Man died after taking head shop drugA man died after consuming the head shop drug MDPV, which has a similar effect to cocaine, but is 20 to 30 times more potent.
1st October 2010
Mayor in spat with minister over drug commentsA war of words has broken out between Lord Mayor GerryA war of words has broken out between Lord Mayor Gerry Breen and Minister for Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs, Pat Carey, in relation to a proposal to relocate drug treatment centres and homeless hostels.
29th September 2010
Student drinking almost equal by genderFemale college students appear to be binge-drinking at least as often as their male counterparts and sometimes match them drink for drink, according to research published in the latest edition of the Irish Medical Journal.
28th September 2010
Female students binge drink like malesFemale college students are beginning to binge drink as often as their male colleagues and in some cases are drinking equal measures of alcohol, a health study has warned.