
30th October 2010
Ireland’s growing industryCriminal gangs have been setting up cannabis-growing cottage industries in Irish suburbs, renting expensive houses and installing sophisticated irrigation and heat lamps to net crops worth up to €280,000 in eight weeks.
30th October 2010
Alcohol Action Ireland launches interviews with leading alcohol marketing expertsAlcohol is one of the most heavily marketed products on our shelves with a total market value of €6 billion in Ireland this year. Alcohol marketing targets young people and influences their drinking.
30th October 2010
Solution Focused Brief Therapy WorkshopA 2 day workshop will take place in The Social Work Building of NUI Galway from 9.30am to 4.30pm on November 26th and 27th 2010.
29th October 2010
Early school-leavers more likely to use Class-A drugsTeenagers who leave school early are up to 14 times more likely to use certain drugs as their peers who stay on to do their Leaving Cert.
29th October 2010
Teen drunkenness down in Ireland, but up in Eastern EuropeA new study has found that, in the past decade, drunkenness has become less common in Ireland and other Western countries and among boys, and more common in Eastern Europe and among girls.
29th October 2010
Drug abuse higher for early school leaversSubstance abuse among early school leavers is significantly higher than among those remaining in education, a study has revealed.
28th October 2010
Parents & Peers Influence Drug Use Among Early School LeaversSubstance use among early school leavers is significantly higher than among young people attending schools, according to new research from the National Advisory Committee on Drugs (NACD) that was launched today by the Minister for Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs, Mr. Pat Carey, TD.
27th October 2010
Drug counselling service expands into New RossThe Cornmarket Project has expanded their services into New Ross to deal with the growing substance abuse problem in the area.
27th October 2010
Californians set to vote on legalising personal cannabisPossession of up to an ounce of the drug could be decriminalised next week.
27th October 2010
Head shop drugs evading customsIllegal head shop drugs are being sold in bulk online direct from labs in Malaysia, Cameroon and Hungary, with vendors claiming they are using “discreet packaging” to get through customs checks.