
16th November 2010
Possibility of minimum alcohol pricing examinedThe National Substance Misuse Strategy (NSMS) Steering Group is considering the introduction of minimum pricing for alcohol in its upcoming report, which is due by the end of the year.
12th November 2010
Alcohol does not just damage the liverAlcohol does not just damage the liver - it also weakens the immune system, leads to slower healing, impairs bone formation and increases the risk of HIV transmission, US researchers have said.
12th November 2010
Heroin problem hasn’t peaked yetFunding for Cork’s Local Drugs Task Force must be protected in the upcoming budget if the city is to continue battling its growing heroin problem.
12th November 2010
A dark picture of our narcotic habitsIn the consumption of illicit drugs, as in much else, Ireland is an exceptional country.
12th November 2010
Substance misuse scheme to begin in New Ross CDPA new drop-in centre for people affected by alcohol or drug-related problems will open in New Ross on Friday, November 12.
11th November 2010
Drugs taskforce seeks public’s help for ‘Dial’ campaignThe Midlands Regional Drugs Taskforce (MRDTF) launched its 2010 publicity campaign for DIAL TO STOP Drug Dealing - 1800 220 220 - against a background of increasing concern about the supply of drugs across all communities in the region.
11th November 2010
Seven in every 1,000 use heroin in RepublicThe Republic’s heroin problem is worse than in any EU country for which figures are available – and it also has the longest waiting lists for treatment for those addicted to the drug, a Europe-wide report has revealed.
9th November 2010
Time to weigh up the evidence when drafting policies on drink and drugsWe should look at the facts available rather than our moral intuition when dealing with the consumption of drink and drugs.
8th November 2010
That was the ecstasy, so where’s the agony we were warned of?For years we were told ecstasy would ruin our young people. But now those youths are parents, managers, maybe even politicians, and they turned out fine . . . didn’t they?
8th November 2010
Seizures of banned head shop drugs riseA lucrative illegal market in head shop drugs has emerged since they were banned last May, new figures suggest.