
19th December 2010
Drug users froze to death by city canalTwo bodies found beside the Grand Canal at Inchicore in west Dublin yesterday are believed to be of a mother-of-two and a man, both of whom were believed to have had severe drug addiction problems.
19th December 2010
Even as we focus on addiction, we engage in denialPaddy has a genius for avoidance when it comes to tackling our affinity for alcohol, writes Declan Lynch
19th December 2010
Time to draw a line under cocaine and end the hypocrisyIf lines were being passed around I did not want to be the odd one out.
19th December 2010
I wanted to highlight dangers of drug use‘Good job on this ... perhaps a couple of kids will reap the rewards of truth and stay away from the ‘white death’ this week.”
19th December 2010
So what if 500 cokeheads die? What can I do about it?Scrooge’s advice to the poor at Christmas was that they should die, in order to decrease the surplus population.
18th December 2010
Naval Service making ‘significant impact’ as part of EU drugs smuggling strike forceIreland’s participation in the EU’s drug smuggling “strike force” is having a significant impact, retiring head of the Naval Service Cmdr Frank Lynch has said.
17th December 2010
More smokers now than before 2004 banMore people are smoking now than before the ban on smoking in public places was introduced six years ago, the Dáil has heard.
16th December 2010
Heroin alert guidelinesIrish Needle Exchange Forum is encouraging services across Ireland to be on the alert for increased overdose and other health risks among opiate users following reports of low purity heroin in various parts of the country.
16th December 2010
Eight-year wait for drug misuse reportThe publication of a Health Research Board (HRB) report, warning of the continued misuse and possible fatal effects of prescription drugs for anxiety and depression, comes eight years after a governmental report recommended action on the issue.
16th December 2010
Heroin drought can lead to deathThe current heroin drought has significant potential to cause death and serious injury for users, a drugs agency has warned.