
30th December 2010
Galway in grip of growing heroin crisisThe scale of Ireland’s heroin problem has been brought into sharp focus by a new pan-European report which concluded that seven in every 1,000 people in Ireland are heroin users.
30th December 2010
Roadside drug tests for drivers in weeksDrivers will next month face stringent US-style roadside tests for drugs, the Irish Independent has learned.
29th December 2010
The drugs don’t work ... especially the legal onesFigures just published show a continuing rise in alcohol and drugs-related deaths in Northern Ireland.
28th December 2010
New pill could curb people’s desire to drinkThe first pill designed to curb a person’s urge to have more than a few drinks at a sitting is undergoing tests in Europe, promising doctors and public health authorities a new approach to fighting alcoholism.
26th December 2010
United Kingdom drug situation: annual report to the EMCDDAUnited Kingdom drug situation: annual report to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) 2010.
24th December 2010
What would you do if a colleague was abusing drink or drugs?Government minister Pat Carey believes that a person should tell his or her employer if they believe that a colleague’s lifestyle, health or work performance is unduly influenced by the excessive consumption of alcohol or any intake of illegal drugs.
23rd December 2010
INCADDS Seminar: ADHD & Substance MisuseThe Irish National Council of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Support Groups Cordially invite you to attend INCADDS Seminar: ADHD & Substance Misuse. Date: Friday January 14th 2011
22nd December 2010
1800 459 459 Drugs Helpline Christmas Opening HoursThe HSE Drugs Helpline-1800 459 459 offers support, information, guidance and referral to anyone with a question or concern related to drug and alcohol use and/or HIV and sexual health. The Helpline service is confidential and free.
21st December 2010
Video Exclusive: Methadone Treatment Protocol Review LaunchThe HSE yesterday published the Introduction of the Opioid Treatment Protocol, a wide ranging review of the Methadone Treatment Protocol [1998].
20th December 2010
Cocaine responsible for 80 deaths last yearCocaine was a factor in the deaths of 217 people in Ireland over a three-year period between 2007 and 2009, according to new figures released to the Sunday Tribune.