
21st January 2011
Jumping the gun on Ireland’s heroin droughtThere has been an unfortunate tendency for some medical personnel working in addiction to indulge in a sort of vicarious enjoyment of the more exciting forensic aspects of the drugs problem.
20th January 2011
Open Door saved my life says local former addictLast Christmas will go down as Imelda’s* “best ever” for one very simple but important reason: it was the first festive period in seven years that she was heroin free.
18th January 2011
Cigarettes and alcohol blamed for men dying youngerA new report has unlocked the mystery of why men die so much younger than women - and smoking and drinking habits are two of the biggest culprits.
17th January 2011
Don’t be ignorant of unitsIt’s a fact that most people are still not clear about how many units they should be limiting their alcohol intake to every day.
17th January 2011
Loophole allows head shops to sell cannabis ‘grow kits’A number of so-called head shops have begun selling equipment that can be used to cultivate cannabis plants – and thanks to a loophole in recently introduced legislation they cannot be prosecuted for the practice.
14th January 2011
New Feature: Risk and Protection Factors for Substance Use Among Young PeopleTowards the end of last year, the National Advisory Committee on Drugs (NACD) published a piece of research entitled “Risk and Protection Factors for Substance Use among Young People: A comparative study of early school-leavers and school attending students.”
13th January 2011
“Let’s Talk About Drugs” Media Awards 2011 AnnouncedOrganised by the Greater Blanchardstown Response to Drugs (GBRD), these awards are aimed at primary and secondary school students, college students and aspiring members of the media, to stimulate debate around the drugs issue in Irish communities.
13th January 2011
Methadone clinic in the pipeline for St. Mary’sThe HSE has confirmed this week that it is currently in the process of establishing a methadone clinic to be located on the grounds of St. Mary’s Hospital, Mullingar.
11th January 2011
New poisons helpline launchedThe National Poisons Information Centre has launched a telephone service to advise the public on how to deal with accidents involving poisons.
10th January 2011
Alcohol group backs pub callA charity that aims to tackle harmful drinking has welcomed a call by Irish vintners for minimum alcohol prices.