
21st February 2011
Ecstasy does not wreck the mind, study claimsPrevious research was flawed, say experts, but findings will shock those who campaign against the drug’s use
19th February 2011
Supporting families living with drug use‘‘Only another parent can know the pain. I was watching him slowly kill himself,’’ said Pat Herlihy, explaining how joining the BAY Family Support Group in Cork has helped her cope with a child living with a drug addiction.
18th February 2011
Heroin deaths put spotlight on lack of local support servicesThe deaths last week of three heroin addicts in Kilkenny and one in Carlow has provoked an outpouring of grief from the local community, and has served to refocus public attention on community support services.
18th February 2011
Times are a-changing as heroin use explodes onto Kilkenny streetsSome people were shocked, others nodded in a knowing manner when the news filtered through that there had been three local deaths last week and all of the deceased were heroin addicts.
18th February 2011
Dean clinic offering free assessmentsThe Dean Clinic in Mahon is offering free mental health assessments to any patient referred to its practice by a GP. A regional clinic of St. Patrick’s University Hospital in Dublin, the network operates on Recovery Principles and aims to develop empowerment, hope and recovery.
18th February 2011
Sterilising junkies may seem harsh, but it does make senseSo, there I am, sitting in a cab on the quays when trouble breaks out between a bunch of junkies on the pavement across the road.
17th February 2011
Heroin deaths epidemic in Kilkenny and Carlow leads to warningThree Kilkenny men have died in the last six days from drug overdoses. Following the re-emergence of the killer drug heroin on the streets of the city, a community worker has called on addicts to stop injecting themselves.
17th February 2011
Action needed to reduce health impact of harmful alcohol useThe newly published Global status report on alcohol and health analyses available evidence on alcohol consumption and provides data in over 100 individual country profiles.
16th February 2011
Smokers cough up average €3,500 on cigarettes last yearDespite tough economic times, Irish smokers are turning to cigarettes more and spending more on their habit, research shows.
15th February 2011
NERDTF: Peer-To-Peer Substance Use Education ProgrammeDelivery Of A Comprehensive Peer-To-Peer Substance Use Education Programme To Young People In Post-Primary Schools Collectively Or Individually In Cavan, Monaghan, Louth and Meath.