
24th February 2011
FETAC Level 5 Addiction Studies CourseThe part time FETAC Addiction Studies Component Certificate course is delivered by The Learning Curve Institute over 10 weeks with 3 hours of lectures per week in the evenings; 30 hours total classroom time.
23rd February 2011
UK: New guidance to tackle alcohol problemsJust 6 per cent of people in England who have an alcohol problem are receiving treatment for it, as NICE calls for screening and better access to alcohol withdrawal services.
23rd February 2011
‘Moderate drinking better for heart than abstinence’Individuals who drink alcohol in moderation (about one drink a day or less) are less likely to develop heart disease than those who drink no alcohol at all, according to a study published today.
23rd February 2011
New Bill tackles under-age drinkingPubs caught serving drink to under-age customers in Northern Ireland twice will be closed.
23rd February 2011
Multiple drug use on the increaseMultiple drug use is on the rise in the West of Ireland, according to the Co-ordinator of the Western Drug Task Force.
22nd February 2011
Carrick on Shannon Gardai appeal to parents to be aware of dangers of alcoholThe Garda Superintendent in Carrick on Shannon is raising concerns over the level of alcohol consumed by a group of teenagers over the weekend.
22nd February 2011
Does it work? Can kava help relieve anxiety?In January 2011, a systematic review of kava research concluded that it is effective for generalised anxiety. Although only six studies were identified, the majority found evidence of benefit.
21st February 2011
Reply from the Irish Needle Exchange Forum to the article “Sterilising junkies may seem harsh.”I am writing to you, in my capacity as Chairperson of the INEF, to express our disappointment in regard to the article by Ian O’Doherty on Friday 18th February 2011 in the Irish Independent “Sterilising junkies may seem harsh.”
21st February 2011
18-month delay to Elton John-funded needle exchangeA nationwide needle exchange service for drug addicts — funded by an Elton John charity — has still not been set up, a year and a half after it was announced.
21st February 2011
Warning over cuts to drug clinicsTreatment services for heroin addicts face “assassination” under planned HSE cuts, specialist doctors have claimed.