
4th March 2011
A listening earAs Crosscare’s Drug and Alcohol Programme marks its 25th year, Aoife Hegarty talks with its retiring director about the need for a Christian response to drug use.
3rd March 2011
Cannabis ‘doubles risk of psychotic episodes’Using cannabis in one’s youth almost doubles the risk of having psychotic episodes like paranoia and hallucinations, a study has found.
3rd March 2011
Ireland’s anti-drug measures laudedIreland’s record in combating drug trafficking and involving communities in drug education and treatment programmes has been praised by a UN body.
2nd March 2011
The business of marketing medicine useWhat’s your favourite TV commercial? For me, it’s the one in which the hero overcomes all sorts of challenges “all because the lady loves Milk Tray”.
2nd March 2011
An exploratory study of injecting mephedrone use in IrelandComparative research on mephedrone consumptive patterns undertaken by McElrath and Van Hout in 2011 suggest that laws prohibiting the distribution and possession of psychoactive substances [such as Mephedrone] that were once legal may be ineffective among seasoned drug takers who have experienced positive effects of the substance.
2nd March 2011
Alcohol deaths ‘easily’ preventableAlcohol is responsible for around 80 per cent of deaths from liver disease, but many of these deaths are easily preventable, according to a comment in The Lancet that takes the history of alcohol policy as its evidence base.
2nd March 2011
Cannabis use in adolescence linked to later psychosis, new study claimsA 10 year follow-up cohort study conducted in Germany has found that cannabis use is a risk factor for the development of incident psychotic symptoms. Continued cannabis use might increase the risk for psychotic disorder by impacting on the persistence of symptoms.
1st March 2011
Lets Talk About Drugs: Media Awards 2011. Have you entered?The deadline for the “Lets Talk About Drugs: Media Awards 2011” is rapidly approaching! Have you got your entry in yet?
25th February 2011
The Net’s virtual lynch mob is addicted to outrageSo, here was one: “To have a journalist stirring up hatred doesn’t do anyone any favours and after reading this I fear for the safety of Dublin’s drug users.
24th February 2011
Ecstasy dangers ‘unclear’“Ecstasy does not wreck the mind,” The Guardian reported. According to the newspaper, experts have said that previous research into ecstasy was flawed and that “too many previous studies have made over-arching conclusions from insufficient data”.