
16th March 2011
Drinks Industry calls for vigilance on alcohol sales over St Patrick’s day holidayThe Chairman of the Drinks Industry Group of Ireland (DIGI), Kieran Tobin, has urged all DIGI members to be especially vigilant in the sale of alcohol over the St Patrick’s Day holiday.
16th March 2011
St Patrick’s Day child alcohol fearParents have been warned to be extra vigilant this St Patrick’s Day over fears children as young as 12 will celebrate the day with alcohol.
16th March 2011
FETAC courses in addiction, mental health, and languages to start in MayMayo based The Learning Curve Institute, one of the west’s fastest expanding training and education providers, is delivering a host of new FETAC accredited short term courses in Galway starting in May.
16th March 2011
Recent reduced Nurse services at Addiction/Treatment CentresRecent changes in agency nurse arrangements have caused difficulties across health services in Ireland. Addiction services accessed by patients in/from North Inner City are affected.
16th March 2011
Alert over 12-year-olds buying alcoholParents have been warned to be extra vigilant this St Patrick’s Day over fears children as young as 12 will celebrate the day with alcohol.
15th March 2011
Anti-smoking drug linked to violenceAn anti-smoking drug prescribed under the medical card scheme is 18 times more likely to be linked with violence and aggression compared to other drugs, according to a study.
15th March 2011
PCI College Addiction Counselling Lecture & Information Morning10:00am – 1:00pm, Wednesday 23rd March | Hotel Isaacs, Store Street, Dublin 1
15th March 2011
When the daily tipple is a necessityIs it time for doctors to use alcohol as a drug? The publication last month of two key papers in the British Medical Journal means doctors and other healthcare professionals must now decide whether to move from advising patients of the benefits of a mild to moderate intake of alcohol to a more prescriptive approach. But to do so will mean addressing wider societal fears about alcohol use and its risks.
15th March 2011
On a journey to sobrietyA new book aims to bring alcohol misusers, their family members and friends on a day-by-day journey through the first 28 days of rehabilitation.
14th March 2011
MS patients could get cannabis drugIt is taken as a mouth spray and can help to alleviate the symptoms of spasticity (when the muscles spasm) associated with Multiple Sclerosis. It’s not currently authorised in Ireland although it was suggested last year that there may be plans to apply for a licence here.