
1st April 2011
Shock as ‘head shop’ drug returnsAt its March meeting the County Wexford Drugs Task Force discussed the urgent issue of the Re-emergence of so called “head shop” drugs throughout the county.
31st March 2011
What should the new government’s priority be on drugs and/or alcohol?Of the many obligations entrusted to the incoming coalition, the new government now assumes responsibility for dealing with the issue of drugs and alcohol in Ireland.
30th March 2011
Student’s lucky escape as horse tranquilliser put in drinkA student had a lucky escape after a horse tranquilliser was slipped into her drink on a night out.
30th March 2011
Government criticised by drugs crisis groupsTwo Northside-based drugs services have accused the new Government of showing a “lack of commitment” to the fight against drugs.
29th March 2011
Scare tactics do nothing to change behaviourHealth awareness campaigns are a waste of money.
28th March 2011
Smith commends Gardai for successful targeting of drug suppliers reflected in latest crime statisticThe Central Statistics Office today published the recorded crime statistics for the fourth quarter of 2010.
28th March 2011
On medicine? Make sure you’re still safe to driveDrink driving is no longer socially acceptable in Ireland but what about driving while under the influence of medicines?
26th March 2011
‘I keep my cannabis habit quiet, but I shouldn’t have to’According to the most recent survey, more than a fifth of Irish people have tried cannabis, with men and young people more likely to have used the drug.
26th March 2011
Consumers ‘risking health’ by buying medicines on webConsumers are importing vast quantities of medicines bought illegally over the internet—with weight-loss drugs the biggest seller.
26th March 2011
Is it time to put a stop to drinking on trains?Despite the presence of private security, antisocial behaviour on trains is still rife