
13th April 2011
Reaction piece: alcohol and drugs surveyAfter the results of our drinks and drug survey, Quinton O’Reilly got the reaction of SU Welfare officer, Scott Ahearn and Manager of EDIT, Jerry McMahon
13th April 2011
Student drinking on the rise despite economic hardships, survey revealsA survey conducted by The University Observer has revealed that the number of UCD students drinking excessive amounts of alcohol has risen since the recession.
13th April 2011
Cllrs left frustrated by lack of info on county’s drug problemFrustration was expressed following a presentation by the Midlands Regional Drugs Task Force (MRDTF) to Laois County Council and Portlaoise Joint Policing Committee (JPC) members.
13th April 2011
New laws will counter second wave of legal highsThe Department of Health has drawn up further legislation to outlaw a new wave of “head shop” drugs which are hitting the Irish market.
12th April 2011
Glass or two of wine a week ‘could damage baby’Pregnant women who drink as little as a glass of wine a week could be putting their babies at risk.
12th April 2011
Smokers think some cigs are less harmfulMany smokers continue to believe that some cigarette brands are less harmful than others, despite the fact that all conventional brands present the same level of risk, the results of a new study indicate.
12th April 2011
Prescribed cannabis may be allowed into IrelandGovernment considers issue of letting visitors bring in medicines containing the drug.
12th April 2011
Rising from the mire of dependencyThe planned development of an addiction treatment centre on a remote part of the rugged Rathlin Island, off the coast of Co Antrim, will be a case of bringing it all back home to her father’s birthplace for one of Ireland’s top performers.
12th April 2011
Minimum alcohol unit price being consideredMinimum prices for each unit of alcohol and specific warnings on content are among the considerations in a major report due to be delivered to the Minister for Health.
12th April 2011
Health warnings on alcohol soonHealth Minister James Reilly is set to introduce health advice and warnings on alcoholic drink bottles and cans.