
21st April 2011
Byrne: Breath test legislation will help save livesLeading road safety campaigner Gay Byrne has said legislation making breathalyser tests mandatory for anyone in a car accident where someone has been injured will significantly reduce the number of deaths on Irish roads.
20th April 2011
ECAD-European Cities Against DrugsA meeting of the ECAD Advisory Board took place in the Council Chambers,City Hall, Cork on 4th Febraury 2011. Cllr Jim Corr is the Chairperson of ECAD.
20th April 2011
Carrying cannabis medicine to be legalDepartment of Health officials have been instructed by the Department of Justice to enact an EU agreement which allows people to carry legally prescribed narcotic or psychotropic drugs for medical use.
20th April 2011
Progress made with alcohol forumDonegal County Council Manager Seamus Neely said that work between the Council, the Joint Policing Committee and the Northwest Alcohol Forum has resulted in “quite a lot” of work being done to highlight the alcohol abuse.
19th April 2011
Film directed by recovering drug addict to screen at CannesA hard-hitting film about drugs directed by a recovering drug addict from Cork has been selected for screening at the world-famous Cannes Film Festival.
19th April 2011
Briefing documents on the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs. (18 Apr 2011)Briefing documents on the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs. (18 Apr 2011)
18th April 2011
Infection risk for patients with drink problemsHospital patients with drink problems are at an increased risk of contracting a hospital acquired infection (HAI) and are more likely to die from such an infection than their peers, the results of a new study indicate.
18th April 2011
Should we allow our teens drink at home?At 10 years old, my parents tried the Continental approach to teaching me and my siblings about alcohol. I remember it clearly . . . then not so clearly.
18th April 2011
New tests will catch drivers high on drugsMotorists high on cocaine or speed are avoiding prosecution, according to Transport Minister Leo Varadkar.
15th April 2011
The drug war hits Central AmericaOrganised crime is moving south from Mexico into a bunch of small countries far too weak to deal with it.