
17th May 2011
Waking up to the use and abuse of ‘study drugs’ in Irish collegesWill Irish students follow their US counterparts by using neuro-enhancing drugs in the run-up to exams?
16th May 2011
Community Awareness of Drugs: Effective Drugs and Alcohol InterventionsOne day training for those wishing to make effective drugs and alcohol interventions in a variety of settings. Saturday June 18th 2011. Dublin.
16th May 2011
UK: Drug laws: 40 years on, only a complete change of approach will do.The Misuse of Drugs Act has failed utterly and there is no political consensus about the idea of trying anything new.
15th May 2011
Warning on approach to legal highsThe UK’s hard-line approach to so-called legal highs and other psychoactive substances is making it “more dangerous for young people who want to experiment”, a report is to say.
15th May 2011
Cutting drink-drive limit ‘no cure-all’A coronor says he is not convinced the proposed reduction in drink-driving limits will have any affect on road carnage.
14th May 2011
Heroin: the next generationAddiction to the drug is changing. In Dublin, methadone programmes have created a generation of older users who may never get clean.
14th May 2011
Blame game to the fore in alcohol abuse deathIt is high time society took responsibility for a culture increasingly fuelled by drink.
13th May 2011
Standardised Responsible Serving of Alcohol programmes needed without delayAlcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, says training in responsible selling and serving of alcohol needs to be made mandatory for all staff and licence holders who serve alcohol without delay.
13th May 2011
Onus is on TDs if we want to lower bar for alcohol prosecutionsBar staff will have breathed a sigh of relief at the acquittal of two of their colleagues by direction of the trial judge yesterday.
13th May 2011
Alcohol misuse - Educate yourselfCommon sense has prevailed in the case against a bar manager and a barman accused of the unlawful killing of an English man who died of alcohol poisoning in Thurles three years ago.