
19th July 2011
Cancer risks associatedwith alcohol remain difficult to assessWhile new research is painting a clearer picture of the links between alcohol and cancer, in Ireland statistical information is still difficult to assess.
18th July 2011
Below cost selling of alcohol ‘should be banned’The sale of cheap, below-cost, alcohol “should be banned” a Government spokesman has said.
17th July 2011
More of this country’s young people are dying from alcohol than anything elseIrish people are among the heaviest consumers of alcohol in Europe.
15th July 2011
Alert on Ecstasy Risks from Tallaght Drugs Task ForceThere have been media reports from Scotland of several deaths from ecstasy. It has not been confirmed if the deaths are actually linked to ecstasy but it is known that “old style” MDMA is back in Scotland.
14th July 2011
Drugs are up, divorce is down – the Irish courts in numbersThe Annual Report for 2010 from the Courts Service reveals that there was a 24 per cent increase in the number of drugs offences dealt with in the Circuit Criminal Court last year, when compared with 2009.
14th July 2011
Alcohol-related illness costs Irish hospitals €800 million in 5 yearsAlcohol associated illness cost Irish hospitals more than €800 million in a five-year period and accounted for almost 9 per cent of all hospital bed days, far greater than previously thought, new research has found.
13th July 2011
Alcohol a factor in poisoning deathsMore than one-third of people who died of alcohol-related liver disease were below 34 years of age, new figures reveal.
13th July 2011
Alcohol abuse - Time to recognise social costThe findings of a report on trends of alcohol-related deaths in Ireland for the years 2004 to 2008, published yesterday by the Health Research Board, throws much needed light on what remains a serious issue in Irish society.
13th July 2011
Most Irish drink harmfully and more than anyone else in EuropeMost Irish people drink in a harmful manner and our per capita consumption of alcohol is among the highest in Europe, a new report from the Health Research Board (HRB) reveals today.
12th July 2011
More young Irish use synthetic drugsIreland has the highest number of young people who say they have used so-called psychoactive or synthetic drugs, according to a European Commission report.